Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July!!! As I was looking at some of my pics last night... I found a few of the ranch last year at this time. It's amazing the devastation a "few" fireworks can do...

Yesterday I went shopping and hit some smoking sales. Aunt Joann Anderson invited Sophie and me over for dinner. Jon and April were also there. It's always fun to see them! We didn't go to any fireworks... we watch them on the television. I know.. it sounds lame. The 4th here is NOT as much fun as it is in Idaho. "There's No Place Like HOME"!!!! sniff-sniff :)

Can you believe fireworks did all this??? This is one 4th of July I won't forget. We were very blessed that we were able to stop the fire from "jumping" the road and continuing up the canyon. We had so many friends and family that helped us. We especially couldn't have done it without Kristen's (Jon's wife) family. I can't tell you how scary it was.


Mindy K said...

Still amazing that happened, even a year later--especially having just been there. I'll be showing that to the girls if they ever get any pyro notions!