I thought I'd try my "Celebrity look-alikes" and see which "beautiful" people I look like. I was all excited... until my results came back. Mary Tyler Moore??? What the heck??? Can we say way too much surgery... she can't even smile normal! Isn't she about 70??? I thought this was supposed to make you feel better. And who is Gloria Macapagul- Arroyo? Could it be any worse??? Hmm... I don't think I look like any of them.
How sad is this?
MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family album - Family pictures
Kill me now!!!!
Hello Kerry,
I had not been on the school website for a while and thought i would check it out. I saw your blog name and thought i would say hi! I love your blog! the flowers are the best! Are you going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas? I hope all is well. I have a blog spot as well. luvzbliss.blogspot.com
Hope we can stay in touch! Renae
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