Friday, April 23, 2010

$100 Dollars Richer

"Hi Aunt kerry!!! I have NO cavitys!!! Not one at all!!!!!I am so excited!!You now owe me 100$!!!!YEAH!!!!Hallie BerryGirls Rock!"

If you remember about a year ago I made a promise to a little girl, that at her next dental appointment if she didn't have ANY cavities... I would give her $100. I wasn't too worried... let's just say at her last apt - Hallie had more than a few cavities. :) So I thought I was safe.

I knew that they (Josie & Hallie) had their dental apt at 4:00pm... I was waiting to hear. I was at the Hale Theater last night, but thought they would leave me a message. I was feeling pretty good... Especially when I got home and there was a message from the Hilton's but it was just my sis saying to call them. So I thought I was HOME FREE ....

When I called this morning, Hallie answered the phone..... It was a totally different conversation than I thought it would be. When I came to update my blog, I checked my email and found the note Hallie had sent last night. :)

Way to go Hallie!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!

Hallie = $100 Richer

Aunt Kerry = $100 Poorer

P.S. Your check is in the mail :)