The other morning was a continual battle with Sophie. Yes- my dog knows that when I put on my shoes- it's time for me to leave. I couldn't do anything without her biting my shoes. Have you ever tried walking with a 20+ lbs dog hanging on??? It can be a little frustrating. I actually stopped and started to count to 10... when I got to 8 (I know pathetic right?) she stopped biting and looked up at me with those big brown eyes slightly cocking her head to the left, like she understood what I was saying.
Of course, I had to smile... I thought to myself at least I have someone (OK- something) that loves and misses me. :) Gotta love her!!!
Of course, I had to smile... I thought to myself at least I have someone (OK- something) that loves and misses me. :) Gotta love her!!!
Me trying to get off bed
Trying to walk to door
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