Friday, August 29, 2008


The Little Buckaroo Rodeo is held annually in Firth. (Small town south of Idaho Falls) It's the cutest thing ever! Jon's kids love it!!! I still haven't made it to one of them yet. :( It's a great opportunity for little kids. And most of all it's fun for the entire family! Some of the events are: Greased Pig, Ribbon Pulling from Goat, Stick Horse Barrel Ride, Chicken Chase, Sheep Riding, & Steer Riding. Here's a few pictures from this years event!

Carson and Riley with their Boyle cousins waiting for their chance. Please note: Riley changed into his tennis shoes. He wanted to give himself every opportunity of catching that pig. He thought he would be MUCH faster this way.... instead of his boots!

Riley HAD the pig but couldn't hang on long enough! :( Maybe next year...

McKay doing the Ribbon pull from the goat.

Carson riding the horse.
One of the great things about this rodeo is that it teaches kids about animals and allows them to be around them. Plus very kid that participates receives a belt buckle. What could be more fun?


Mindy K said...

I love these rodeo pictures. The boys look so old this year--even though I just saw them not too long ago.